Farhana Sethi's Blogs

My Blogs & Articles

I am inspired by Technology, Innovation, Astrophysics and Human Psychology 

The Hook Model

How Metaverse is going to impact us

Ethical Regret testing

Nobody is Thinking about You..!!

Are you Emotionally Intelligent ?

Do the right thing & right thing will..

The GIVE TO GET Principle

Why data is the new oil of the digital...

Inspiration from Neuralink

Data & Digital Transformation

Digital telepathy. No More Words..

13 ways to ‘Get In Touch

Leaders are people who do ...

Top 10 Most Gender equal ...

The only thing that is Constant ...

Don't be my Boss all the time..!!

Let Me Do My Work, Please..!!

When you encounter a question...

Software Security Trends

How to engage with non-technical...

Coming Soon

Metaverse or Multiverse. Coming Soon

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My Blog

My Blog

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