Are you Emotionally Intelligent. Result will surprise you...

Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Let’s find out your level of  Emotional intelligence.

There are few examples how to find out your level of Emotional Intelligence.

  • Being able to accept criticism and responsibility.
  • Being able to move on after making a mistake.
  • Being able to say no when you need to.
  • Being able to share your feelings with others.
  • Being able to solve problems in ways that work for everyone.
  • Having empathy for other people.
  • Having great listening skills.


Perhaps you exhibit some or all of these traits find out with seven things, emotionally intelligent people avoid :

  1. They don’t allow others to control their emotions. People with high emotional intelligence, while very sensitive to other’s thoughts and feelings are actively aware of their own state of mind, maintaining awareness of their feelings and of those around them. At all times, they don’t let other people change their state of mind. They think positively, regardless of any pressure that you’re under emotionally strong individuals have a resiliency about them and bounce back quickly from betrayal, rejection and negativity in general, they know that allowing negative faults to consume them will only extend the process of moving on.
  1. They don’t waste energy on unnecessary conflict. Emotionally intelligent people know that emotions are energy. They only get into heated discussions as a last resort. When a strong explanation is necessary to explain their position or to change the course of what is taking place around them. They avoid pointless conflict, preferring to speak to people in a direct and calm manner when discussing important issues or resolving disputes, they know it’s more important to invest that energy into a solution.
  1. They do not gossip people with high emotional intelligence, understand how harmful gossip can be and know that nothing good can come from it. They still enjoy discussing the dynamics of the relationships. They are surrounded by as to understand the thought processes of their peers and how they can in turn contribute. Constructively people that only seem to discuss destructive or petty matters will be avoided. Emotionally intelligent people simply don’t have the energy for toxic conversation or superficial connections with people.
  1. They don’t give in to peer pressure for your independence is a common trait among the emotionally intelligent. They will not do something just because everyone else is often going against the grain. They tend to look up objectively at what the majority does and make their own decision on whether it’s beneficial for them. And then carve their own path.
  1. They don’t seek approval. If the emotionally intelligent wants something, they’d go after without feeling the need to consult others. They validate themselves. So they don’t require others to do it for them. While they respectfully listened to other people’s opinions, they don’t let others views form the basis for their life decisions. They know that as long as they approve themselves, they can achieve whatever they desire.
  1. They can say no, their boundaries. Well-Defined and they are not afraid to say no in the face of a request. If they know that it will not serve them well, which can be seen as rude by others who normally associate with more feeble-minded individuals. As a result, those with high emotional intelligence tend to have less friends, but the friends that remain are of high value.
  1. They don’t dismiss people’s concerns lightly. They have a deep understanding of how others feel and try to put themselves in their shoes. People with high emotional intelligence, don’t disregard how others feel on the contrary. They actually want to decipher the feelings of others because they have such a compassion for them. They want to understand their feelings on a deeper level, their psychology, so that they can offer tailor made advice towards the bigger picture. Emotionally intelligent people’s actions are always driven by compassion, meaning they always make a great contribution to the people around them.

If you resonate with one or all of these traits, share this story. So the knowledge of emotional intelligence can be understood together. We can make the world a better place.